Gather a profile of your customers. 

You seem to be doing everything right – yet something is missing. You’re already using Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics to track the behaviour and demographics of your website visitors. This is yielding useful results, but it still doesn’t feel like you have a complete picture of your customers. What could be the final piece in the puzzle?

The answer is call tracking. As businesses move more and more of their presence online, many have forgotten that phone calls still make up a big chunk of their direct contact with potential clients. Paying attention to email conversations and website behaviour is crucial, but only gives you half the picture.

Call tracking adds to your pool of data.

You can gain powerful marketing insights by recording details of your phone calls. Phone calls can give you a more nuanced idea of how your customers think than you’d find in emails or on social media alone. 

Consider the following scenario. Someone rings up to ask about your garden and landscaping services. In a two-minute conversation, they casually mention the following things:

  1. They saw your ad on Facebook.
  2. They read your website’s About page, and appreciate the fact that you try to cut down on chemical usage. Caring for the environment is important to them and it’s hard to find a landscaper who shares this passion.
  3. They’re interested in a bundle deal, because they have a few friends who need similar services.

If you’re not tracking phone calls, then all this valuable information might simply fall by the wayside.

Recording your phone calls gives you a chance to hear first-hand what your customers are saying. This is especially useful if you outsource customer support to your employees and don’t get a chance to talk to customers yourself. You can find out if there’s anything lacking with your current support methods, or if clients are consistently dissatisfied by a certain approach you’re taking.

How does it work?

Fortunately, you don’t have to spend your evenings listening to all the phone calls you received during the day. Rather than rely on customers telling you key information during each call, digital marketing companies can help you streamline and automate the process. Fabric can help you with things like:

Click-to-call tracking.

This allows you to see, at a glance, which ad your caller clicked on before picking up the phone. As a result, you get an insight into which keywords and ads are producing the highest call volumes.

Multi-attribution tracking. 

Many customers don’t simply pick up the phone and buy a product. The customer lifecycle can be much more complicated than that. Multi-attribution tracking allows you to track all interactions with a given customer, helping you see which online campaigns are leading to offline call conversions.

Fabric can help!

To find out if call tracking could be right for your business, click the button below for a free session with one of our digital marketing consultants.

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