Rigorous pursuit of potential.

If the initial point of contact doesn't immediately drive the desired action, we keep working for you. As potential customers continue to browse other sites, we put your ad up in front of them again. A timely reminder of your key point of difference or to offer them an incentive to come back to you for a closer look. This is where Google Remarketing comes in.

Learning and adapting.

The carefully allocated remarketing cookies distributed at different navigational points on your website provide valuable feedback about the site’s performance. We can identify where people drop out in the sales or sign-up process so that we can fine-tune the website design to increase the conversion rates.

Bring potential customers back to you!

Being a part of the ongoing success of our clients’ businesses is what drives us. By bringing together the Google online marketing suite of tools, and our extensive skills and experience, we have what it takes to be your preferred online marketing agency. Our ability to manage your Google remarketing activities alongside your overall online marketing strategy can give your business the edge it needs to beat the competition.

Fabric can help.

We are a team of digital marketers that know how well remarketing works. By subtly reminding customers to come back to your website. 

Why do remarketing?

Second chance of conversion.

We can continue to target these users by showing them an image ad wherever they go on the web. These custom remarketing ads can be as general as just reminding them of your brand or as specific as including the exact items they had added to their cart, tempting them to come back and complete the sale. Remarketing is a great way to get the most out of your marketing budget, giving you a second chance at getting these valuable conversions.

Keeping you in their mind.

This little cookie allows us to create lists that keep track of all users that have visited your website and even users who have added items to their cart and left before completing the purchase. This data allows us to continue to put your brand in front of these interested users and keep you in the forefront of their mind as they continue to browse the web.

Pay Per Click

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