Helping customers find you online.

In the old days, you could tack a wooden sign above your door, announcing to passing town folk that Ye Olde Taverne was open for business. To extend your reach a little further afield, you could pay people to hand out fliers.

For some small businesses today, this sort of local advertising is enough. If you only need to attract customers who live in your vicinity, then a local search-engine optimisation (SEO) campaign is for you.

This approach falls short, however, if you make a significant chunk of your revenue through ecommerce. More and more businesses today exist primarily online. For that reason, they rely heavily on their online shop being found by people who are looking for products or services on search engines such as Google.

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Be competitive on a global playing field.

It’s a saturated marketplace, and you’re often competing directly with similar companies all over the world. Having a fantastic ecommerce SEO strategy is therefore becoming crucial in making sure that you stay ahead of the game.

Back in 2013, a study found that just 4.8% of people make it to the second page of Google. Yet only ten organic results appear on the first page. Digital marketers aim to get your business among these first ten results for as many relevant search terms as possible.

Fabric can help!

The last thing you want is for your otherwise excellent store to go totally unnoticed by people who need exactly what you’re offering. Click the button below to find out whether your store could be getting discovered by more people.

How Fabric can help you with e-commerce SEO:

Keyword research.

The first step in any e-commerce campaign is uncovering the high-yield search terms that potential customers are using. For example, if just 100 people search each month for ‘space t-shirts’ and a whopping 10,000 search for ‘NASA t-shirts’, our approach will need to reflect this.

Volume, competition, relevance, and intent.

For each keyword, we analyse these four metrics to see where the best progress can be made. An ideal keyword has high search volume, minimal usage by competitors, high relevance to your products, and shows strong purchase intent. An example might be ‘safe baby pillows with fast shipping’.

Climbing to the top.

We get your business ranked as high as possible for relevant search terms (e.g. ‘eco shampoo’ if you sell organic beauty products). We always aim for the number one spot, because the first-ranked site on Google sucks up 32.5% of all traffic on average.

Staying competitive across all platforms.

If you use Amazon, eBay, or Trade Me, for example, we help you boost your presence and appeal on these sites too. Our service isn’t limited to search engines.

E-commerce site structure.

The way your online store is structured has a huge impact on SEO. Our developers tidy up any messy edges, and make sure there’s strong SEO intent behind every aspect of your site.

Search Engine Optimisation

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