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Activate Tamaki Makaurau - supporting Auckland businesses

With New Zealand in the midst of a global pandemic and the certainty of life returning to normal as we know it still floating in the wind, a digital world is moving ever closer. Now is the time to get a head start and make sure you hit the digital world head-on.

At the end of October 2021, the government announced a support package for Auckland registered businesses affected by alert level restrictions, which was the majority of us. With the move into the new Covid-19 protection framework, the Traffic light system. Let us help you activate this funding to unlock the true potential of your digital presence.

The grant gives businesses access to:

  • Advice and planning support.
  • Support to implement the above advice and planning.

This is an opportunity to assist the Auckland business community in navigating the current pandemic and the environment that accompanies it. The aim is to build more resilient businesses. How you ask?

  • With guidance and support to work through tough decisions. Seize future opportunities and help them adapt wherever necessary to enable businesses to thrive.

How can we help you take your business to the next level?

We all know it has been a long, challenging and never-ending road for all businesses here in Tamaki Makaurau, Auckland and we have all been given an opportunity to help secure the future of our businesses. There is no better time than now to take the leap into a digital world and take your business to the next level.

What is available to you as a business owner?

  • There are two separate grants available to Auckland business owners, the first being up to $3000 for expert advice and support. The second is up to $4000 for implementation of that advice.

How would this work from a digital point of view?

Glad you asked!

Now more than ever, Kiwi’s are using the web for nearly everything. Clothes shopping, their weekly food shop, hospitality locations, the best electrician in Forest Hill, renovation inspiration, DIY demos, the list goes on, and we could be here all day. So the first place we go to when looking for anything today is the internet, and if you are not on the internet or not well placed, then the simple answer is you are not seen and not growing.

Starting the Process.

Give us a call on 0800 032 248 now and we'll help with the application process.

Fabric can help.

Fabric is a digital marketing agency that know how to make Google Ads profitable. They optimise your campaign towards conversions, not clicks or traffic.

Tāmaki Makaurau

Do you want business
growth and need help?

Let's throw around some ideas and see where it takes us.