Martha's Furnishing Fabrics

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Let’s chat furnishing fabrics.

Martha’s, an online furnishing fabrics retailer, wanted to stand out from their competitors. Not only did they want to draw customers in with their unique products, but Martha’s Furnishing Fabrics also wanted to ensure an enjoyable shopping experience.


Exactly what meets the eye.

When searching the internet for the right fabric for your needs, you don’t want to risk spending money on a product you are unsure about. You want to be sure you know exactly what you are buying, and that it will meet your expectations. 

With Martha’s Furnishing Fabrics’ website, we used a bold colour scheme relevant to their products. As there are multiple fabrics and designs available for purchase, we ensured each product was accurately represented with HD quality photos, material descriptions and dimension measurements.

Marthas Product

Interact any way you like.

After many developments and tests, we ensured Martha’s Furnishing Fabrics’ website was simple and easy to use from any device. In terms of questions and contact information, linked to the website at the bottom of each page is a button to direct you to Martha’s Furnishing Fabrics’ blog and a contact button for easy communication. 

Alongside these user-friendly features, upon clicking on each product, we inserted customer reviews below the product description so you can read for yourself about the product and even leave reviews yourself!

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