Redbull Powder Company

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A website showcasing RedBull Powder Company’s explosive services.

RedBull Powder Company is New Zealand’s leading provider of blasting services for quarrying, mining and construction. Our goal with the RedBull website was to create a platform that genuinely showcased its services in an exciting way. We opted to utilise a video of compiled explosions as the hero banner that draws in potential clients.

Redbull Powder

Compatible across the latest devices.

During the development phase for RedBull Powder Company, we understood that most of its potential clients would visit the website from a computer rather than a mobile or tablet. Instead of focusing development on the computer site, we focused on creating an optimised platform across all three major devices.

Redbull Powder – About

A rich history.

As New Zealand’s leading blasting service provider, we knew that showcasing its rich history was essential for the website. We decided to use a simplistic colour scheme that complements the colours in RedBull’s logo. We outlined the services that RedBull provides and individual pages that give potential clients a more in-depth look into the service.

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